Crooked Cats, The Mousetrap, RNA Winter Party and an Epic Yarn set in Egypt
I’m only just getting my breath back after an action packed November. You’ll be able to read about some of it on the RNA blog soon as I tell Elaine Everest all that goes into arranging the RNA Parties. So to my big news regarding my writing. I had two acceptances in November. One was from exciting and well-respected publisher, Crooked Cat , who have accepted my crime novel, The Secret of Lakeham Abbey . It is an unofficial sequel to The Dark Marshes, but set about a hundred years later, just after World War II. It will be published some time in 2016 so more details when I have them. I also had another acceptance from the wonderful Maggie Swinburne at My Weekly Pocket Novels for what Maggie calls an ‘epic yarn’, Eye of the Storm , which is set in Egypt at the dawn of World War II (yes, I know I obviously have a thing about World War II...) and inspired partly by the Saturday matinees I used to watch at the pictures as a child and partly by the Indiana Jones films (with a hero c...