A difficult catch up post

It seems that my joy at sorting out my own health was to be short lived. I had only just been declared fit when we learned that my husband, Den, has Oesophageal Cancer. He'd had problems swallowing for some time, but refused to go to the doctors until I was sorted out. You can imagine how guilty I feel at the moment, though I've been assured that these things don't happen overnight and it's something he'd have had for a long time before symptoms appeared.

We've known about it for a week or two, and I have mentioned it on Facebook, but things have moved so fast, I haven't had a chance to share the news here. I now feel it's time to share it with those of you who perhaps aren't on FB.

Den has to have more tests, as they now fear the cancer has spread to his lymph nodes. I Googled that, and wished I hadn't...

As you can imagine, it's a very difficult time for us and it isn't over yet. Den is a fighter. Fifteen years ago, he survived an operation for an aortic aneurysm that he was told he had only a 2% chance of surviving. He was also run over - twice - before he was fifteen, and then got shot in the leg whilst in the army in the 70s. He's assured me he's going to fight this too. I've told him he'd better bloody do!

Because of Den's illness, I've resigned from the committee of the RNA and as party organiser. I've no doubt that they'll find someone brilliant to take over from me. Writing has also taken a bit of a back seat at the moment, but it will be there waiting for me when the time is right.  I need all my energy to look after Den, and to support my children and grandchildren, through this ordeal. If anyone has any going spare, I could really use it...


  1. I am truly sorry to hear your news. I do send all my heartfelt wishes to you and Den and if there is ever a time you need to unload to someone who is not too close, you have my number. xxxxx

    1. Isn't it odd? I knew you'd be the first one to comment, Bernadette. Either I'm psychic or I just know your heart... Thank you x

    2. I'm so sorry, Sally. Reading this broke my heart for you all. But it certainly sounds like Den is one tough cookie, and I know he'll fight this with everything he's got. Sending much love and my very best wishes to you and Den and your family. Xxx

  2. Take time for you and your family - everything else can take a back seat xxxxxxxxxx

  3. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, x

  4. I'll put his name under my Angel. We've had more than our fair share of Cancer as a family, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone... certainly not you ,dear Sally. Sending up healing and positive thoughts. Take care. Big hugs, much love. Awen xxx

  5. Oh hun. I'm so sorry to hear this. Really hope all goes well and as you know, I don't live too far away if there is anything I can do. Sending you a huge cyber hug x

  6. Or you know I spend far too much time at my screen! Although glad I do on this occasion xxx

    1. Don't we all spend too much time at our screens? It's one of the things helping me at the moment. If I can just spend ten minutes, browsing mindlessly, it does wonders for the stress.

  7. So sorry to hear Den's cancer might have spread. I hope he'll get to start treatment soon. My thoughts are with you. Hugs xx

  8. I'm so sorry to hear of all your troubles. You did spectacularly well to prepare for your surgery, and Den sounds a real fighter. I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. I had read of Den's illness on your facebook page but am sorry to hear you are having to step down from RNA duties too. Quite understandable, of course, and I wish you both well as you concentrate on what is really important. Those who are determined to fight cancer are usually the ones who beat it. Best wishes, Viv

  10. My heart goes out to you both. x

  11. Thank you, everyone. Your good wishes and kind words really do help. xxx

  12. Sending you and Den all my love xx

  13. My thoughts and prayers are with you Sally! Hugs and best wishes. Mx

  14. Dear Sally - having just met you via Annalisa - I am so sorry to read this - it's good to know your husband is a fighter ... and I wish you, the family and him all the possible best vibes that can be felt around you - with many thoughts - Hilary

  15. So sorry to hear about all this, Sally. Sending a virtual hug.

  16. Lots of love from all of us, Sally. xx

  17. My thoughts and prayers are with you. So very sad to hear this news. Take time out now to focus on Den and your family. It's where you have to be. Love, Julia x

  18. Sending you both my love and best wishes.

  19. Sending love and healing vibes. What a difficult time for both of you. Be kind to yourself and don't worry about your writing for the time being. xx

  20. So sorry that the pair of you have this to face after your health issues. Bloody awful things happen to lovely people. I've had two treatments and NHS are wonderful so take heart. I understand how you will want to concentrate on your family but take some time out for yourself too, Sally.

  21. Thank you again everyone. I am convinced all the good wishes go a long way to helping, even if it's only to let us know we're not alone.

  22. Den sounds amazing, Sally, and good to know he's such a fighter. As you, too, obviously are. You are in my thoughts and sending you all the positive vibes I can muster xxxx

  23. I'm so sorry to hear that, Sally. Thinking of you and Den, and the rest of your family, too.

  24. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers to you all. xx

  25. So very sorry to read your news, Sally. I was so pleased to know your surgery went well, but this must be such a blow.
    Lots of hearts and minds are supporting you, I'm sure.

  26. I am so sorry to hear what you, Den and the whole of your family are going through. Try to keep a positive attitude because trust me it does help. Also remember to take care of yourself so that you are well enough to care for Den
    Good luck x

  27. I'm so sorry to hear this, Sally, sending tons of positive thoughts your way xx

  28. So sorry to hear this news Sally. I know how worrying a time it will be. All I will say to you is keep positive. Half of this battle is in the head. Remember too that you have to look after yourself. You can't look after anyone if you're not in a fit state. I am wishing you, Den and all of your family all the very best, Good luck

  29. Sending such positive energy as I can. Xx

  30. So sorry to hear this Sally. Holding you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  31. So sorry to hear this, Sally. My love to you both x

  32. You have so many friends, Sally, and I know we're all thinking of you and Den. I wish you all the best

  33. Wishing Den well and you strength. So sorry, but it sounds as if he has a great attitude. Keep us informed xx


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