Dear Quillers #1 - Plots and Sub-Plots
Apologies for taking so long to get around to starting the Dear Quillers column. I’ve spent the last few weeks chasing my own tail. Sadly one of our westies was taken ill and died, which, any pet lover will know, is just as painful as losing any member of the family. I also had a birthday bash on Facebook which went very well. I’ve been for physiotherapy for my Achilles Tendonitis and have to go back in 3 weeks to see how the exercises are going and then to sort out my shoulder. But now onto Dear Quillers. If you remember, Sue Barnard won my first competition on the blog, with her question: Books cannot live by romance alone - so what advice can you offer for helping to construct a convincing and compelling sub-plot? Some romance publishers don’t want any sub-plot and do indeed live by romance alone. Mills and Boon novels are wonderfully constructed to deal with just the emotions and conflict between the hero and heroine. The Romantic Novelists Association Awards are...