Dear Quillers Giveaway

For my first giveaway on this blog I am offering a copy of the Large Print version of my romantic intrigue, Take My Breath Away. Inspired by the film Cleopatra, and written especially for My Weekly Pocket Novels to commemorate the 50th anniversary of that film in 2013 (and also my own 50th birthday), Take My Breath Away is a murder mystery and romance.

I have one signed copy to give away, but I'm afraid you're going to have to work for it. I'm trying to amass questions for my Dear Quillers feature on the blog. So leave your questions about writing romance, or writing in general, in the comments section below (on this blog post only please), and the one I decide is the most interesting when the competition closes will win the book. I will, however, use every other question posted for Dear Quillers. Just to be clear, these questions need to be about the craft or business of writing romance or writing in general, and not about my personal writing life. You can read the answers to some of the more personal questions asked of me on my Intriguing Interview Page.

The closing date for this prize draw is Friday 20th June 2014 at 5pm GMT.

Please note: Only ONE question/entry per person.


  1. Not about your personal writing life? *sulks* I wanted to know if you put on Barbara Cartland makeup before writing to put you in the mood. As I can't ask I'm just going to assume you do.

    I already have a copy of Take My Breath Away, but I'll ask a proper question anyway just to prove I can - do you carefully plan your books before starting or just write and see what happens?

    1. Damn it! You have a secret webcam in my house, don't you, Patsy?

      And thanks for getting the questions started! I'll definitely use it in a Dear Quillers feature.

  2. Romances tend to be about women for women. What elements do you think a writer would need to include to get men to read romances?

  3. Do you read a lot of Romance novels yourself and if so, which ones?

    1. Thanks Vee, but that question is more about me than writing romance. Do you want to re-word it to be more general? i.e. How important is it to read romance novels if you want to write them?

  4. Books cannot live by romance alone - so what advice can you offer for helping to construct a convincing and compelling sub-plot?


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