The Steps of the Priory - My Proudest Writing Moment So far

This is the absolutely delicious cover for the Ulverscroft/Large Print version of my saga, The Steps of the Priory. I could never have imagined I would be the author of such a beautiful looking book. At 85k, it is also the longest book I've ever had put into print, making it an extra special pleasure for me. It will be in libraries from 1st August 2014, so please do ask for it at your local library. The ISBN is: 9781444820737

If you would like the longer and fruitier version, it can be downloaded for your Kindle today for the bargain price of 77p.

I've kept putting off writing the next book in the Harcourt Saga, but seeing the amazing Ulverscroft cover has made me itch to get started on it. The next book in the series will concentrate more on the girls, Charlie and Ronnie, introduced briefly in the first book, and a secret they share that could tear the whole family apart. But there will also be big changes for Becky and my favourite character, Bobby will find love but risk losing it when a shadow from the past arrives.

I expect the next volume to take place over a ten year period, from 1948-1958 (as opposed to the 30 year period that the first book covered), but that could change, depending on how the story I have in my head pans out. I can reveal that it will have the truly original title of Return to the Priory.


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