Catching up, amusing romantic intrigue covers and a much loved favourite: Csardas

It occurred to me that I ought to catch up with where I've been and what I've been doing since I closed down my last blog.

I shan't go into why I shut it down. That's past now and it's time to move on. I can't remember if I'd passed my driving test before I closed it down, but in case I hadn't announced it, I did indeed pass my test on 3rd February 2014 at the ripe old age of 50. I now the proud owner of a dinky little Peugeot 107, and it's given me a new lease of life.

The reason it's taken me so long to start a blog again is because I've had some health problems, as well as being busy with RNA committee stuff. The health problems included a rather unpleasant growth on my lip, which had to be removed and biopsied. I'm glad to say that everything is fine and there were no hidden nasties.

On the plus side I also organised my first Romantic Novelists Association Summer Party, and it turned out to be a great success (phew!) I deny bribing everyone with cream scones served by handsome Italian waiters. It just turned out that way!

I'm now organising the Winter Party (details HERE) and also organising this year's RoNA Rose Awards. So if you have a novella that you think might be suitable to enter, you can find details HERE. The most exciting aspect of this year's award is not just a £1000 first prize (woohoo!) but also that the winning novel in the RoNA Rose will automatically be added to the shortlist of the Romantic Novel of the Year competition.

Writing wise, I have completed the first in a five part series for My Weekly Pocket Novels, about my 1960s copper, Bobbie Blandford. You can read a bit more about Bobbie and the first novel, The Last Dance, HERE.

I love old-time paperback covers. Yes they were cheesy, but they did what they said on the tin! With this in mind, Anorak have put together a plethora of great covers from the romantic intrigue genre, basically all on the lines of 'girl running away from spooky house'. Am I the only one who wants to read them all?

And finally, I've just found out today that one of my all-time favourite novels, Csardas, by Diane Pearson, is now available as an ebook. A sweeping novel that really needs to be made into a tv mini-series, I can't recommend this enough!

I'll be working on the first 'Dear Quillers' in the next day or two, and I will also be adding some of my old articles from my old blog. There will also be another giveaway to coincide with my birthday in August, so watch this space!


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