A new blog, a new style

Welcome to my new style blog. I hope to bring you all the interesting features of my old blog, plus some new bits.

I'll be including articles on various aspects of writing, as they occur to me, and also some giveaways. Watch this space for some giveaways to celebrate the opening of the blog!

Over to you
As I don't want this blog to be just about me, I'd love to include some author interviews and guest posts. I don't care if you're traditionally published or 'indie' published. If you have something interesting to say about writing, I'd love to hear it. I'd also love to include some giveaways if anyone has anything they'd like to share. Neither do you have to write romance. I don't only read romance, and I'm sure my blog readers don't either. Contact me at squilford (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk with either an idea for a blog post or a request for an interview.

Dear Quillers
My new romance writing 'agony' aunt slot. If you've got any questions to ask about writing romance or writing in general, then fire away. If I don't know the answer I will find someone who does.

Friends of Quillers
As before, I want to include a whole list of links to fellow writers, so if you have a blog or website to share, then let me know (just one link per person). A link back would be nice, but there's no obligation to do so.


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